Photo: (MTV)
Hunter Hayes may "Want Crazy," but he sure ain't it! We recently sat down with the refreshingly levelheaded country superstar to chat geekin' out, givin' back, and the number one love of his life. Oh, and he likes to play doctor...
Some hospitals have doctors on call, but others have Hunter! It turns out the hand motions required to play his hit song "Somebody's Heartbreak" are the same used in open-heart surgery. Kiiiiding! Hunter is involved with Musicians On Call -- an organization that brings live music to hospital patients' bedsides. He's all about the healing power of music, saying, "It's amazing what music can do, and it's really cool to actually be a part of that experience."
*clears throat and fakes cough* I, uh, think I'm gonna need some musical medicine tonight...is Hunter on call?
Hunter is a self-professed "geek," even further proving our theory that nerds are the new cool. "I am shy. I am awkward. I am long-winded," he says. "I spend my time investing in what I love to do, because I have found what I love to do, and I'm lucky to get to do it." You won't ever catch HH in a country cowgirl scandal, 'cause on his time off from music he likes to…make more music. He even has a studio setup on his tour bus so he can write songs between shows!
He may make a living singing to crowds, but Hunter went totally speechless after visiting St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. He was amazed by the staff's commitment to taking care of patients and their families.
Swoooon. Take action below to get involved with Hunter's favorite health orgs.