Photo: (Getty)
About 1.3 billion people are living in poverty, and right now you have an awesome opportunity to earn free tix to see Beyoncé, Ke$ha, Bruno Mars, Rihanna or One Direction in concert by taking action to lower dem numbers!
Pearl Jam manager Kelly Curtis has joined forces with the Global Poverty Project to create the Global Citizen Tickets initiative. The program gives you ways to help fight poverty, like sharing info on Facebook, adding your signature to a petition or writing to your elected officials. While you do this, you'll earn points (one point for FB share, five points for emailing a Senator, etc) -- getting enough points gets you a chance of going to a concert put on by your fave singer or band taking part in the program! Queen Bey, Ke$ha, One Direction and all the others want to reward your dedicated and heartfelt work.
Start earning points, earn those chances to win, and cross your fingers! Because there are so many artists involved, there are going to be a lot of winners. Concert or no concert, doesn't helping the world make everyone feel like a winner?