The hordes of "Gears of War" fans who have clamored for a big-screen adaptation have something to celebrate today, besides a really sweet head stomp. After years of uncertainty, the "Gears of War" movie is back on track with producer Scott Stuber.
Variety reports that after an intense bidding war for the rights to the mega-popular Xbox franchise, Stuber, who recently produced "Ted" and "Batteship," walked away as the victor.
With a major studio producer backing the adaptation, "Gears of Wars" is closer to becoming a reality than any time since 2007.
Read more after the jump!
Six years ago, "Total Recall" remake director Len Wiseman attempted to bring the Cog and Locust to movie theaters with New Line Cinema. Wiseman eventually left the project, which sputtered out from there.
The renewed effort to bring "Gears of War" to the big screen adds it to a growing list of developing adaptations that include Michael Fassbender's "Assassin's Creed," Tom Hardy in "Splinter Cell," and the "Ratchet and Clank" movie.
This iteration of "Gears of War" is far from a sure thing. Stuber is a serious producer, so it's worth putting faith in his ability to get a hot property made into a movie, but as we saw with the Wiseman attempt, things can fall apart easily. Let us not forget Neill Blomkamp's "HALO."
Are you excited to see a "Gears of War" film moving forward? What other games deserve the movie treatment? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!