The newly named director of "Jurassic Park 4," Colin Trevorrow, just tweeted what is technically the first picture of the behind-the-scenes work on the upcoming sequel. With the simple caption, "Nublar," the scout photo suggests that the action will move back to the original island.
Also, find what the Rebellion doesn't want to you know about May the 4th in today's Dailies!
» Colin Trevorrow tweets from a "Jurassic Park 4" location scout. [Twitter]
» What is May the 4th really about? [Star Wars]
» There's a Mr. Rogers biopic in development. [Deadline]
» Got some 3-D glasses handy? Here's a 3-D "Star Trek Into Darkness" trailer to enjoy. [YouTube]
» Stream the "Great Gatsby" soundtrack in its entirety. [NPR]
» Poster for Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac" [The Playlist]
Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.