Adrianne Haslet-Davis, a ballroom dancer who lost her left foot in the Boston Marathon bombings, will be the true star of Tuesday's episode of "Dancing With the Stars." Host Tom Bergeron announced the news last week adding, "We were all very moved by her inspirational outlook...we hope to be part of her recovery."
32-year-old Adrianne and her husband, Air Force Captain Adam Davis, were both injured by the second blast. In spite of his own pain, Adam used his belt as a tourniquet for Adrian, and carried her to safety in a nearby restaurant. "I absolutely want to dance again, and I also want to run the marathon next year," she told the Associated Press. "I'll crawl across the finish line, literally crawl, if it means I finish it."
Tomorrow's episode of "DWTS" will feature a special segment on Adrianne, and when she's ready to dance again, pro dancer Derek Hough has already put in his bid to be her partner. "It's hard for anyone to really quite understand what she must be going through and what she's going to go through with rehab and getting her balance back," he said. "But if she has the determination and she has the passion -- and it sounds like she does -- she's going to run that marathon and she's going to be dancing again. It's not going to slow her down."
The Boston Marathon bombings took 3 lives, and left at least 144 others injured. Follow the action widgets below to give or get help following this tragic event, and catch Adrianne Haslet-Davis on "DWTS" on ABC, Monday nights at 8/7c, and Tuesday nights at 9/8c.