Photo: (Getty)
Waves of attacks on reproductive rights have been hitting the country, and tonight the Center for Reproductive Rights is putting on Unite Tonight to bring people together and say these attacks have got to stop.
Part of the campaign's goal is to get Congress to make stronger federal protections to ensure women can make their own choices about their bodies.
I mean, have you seen some of the stuff happening lately, like women being compared to farm animals or forced to undergo vaginal ultrasounds? How about North Dakota banning many early abortions or attempts in Texas, Mississippi and Wisconsin to close down clinics where women get birth control and cancer screenings? If you're sick of reading about or personally experiencing your reproductive rights being chipped away, here are ways to take action:
+ Educate Yourself
+ Watch Fundamental Human Rights.
Want to learn more and get a deeper understanding of why this is an important issue to get involved in? Check out the video below, which shows how women around the world are fighting for their rights.
+ Draw the Line
+ Watch Draw The Line
You can go to Draw the Line and sign the Bill of Reproductive Rights. The petition states that an individual should decide one's own reproductive choices without intrusion or coercion, that they should have a full range of reproductive health care, and that they have the right to be free from discrimination based on their reproductive decisions.
+ Talk on Twitter
You can follow @reprorights on Twitter to stay updated on what's going on and how to take action. Tonight, you can also get in on the Unite Tonight convo by using the hashtag #unitetonight.