Photo: (MTV Voices)
It's hard enough to be an artist and sing your heart out every night. It's another thing entirely to stand in front of your fans and bare your soul.
Tyler Joseph and Joseph Dun of Twenty One Pilots sat down to talk about why they write and perform songs that mean something to them. As Tyler mentions in the video, every writer has to consider what he wants to say. When he sat down to write, he decided he wanted to talk about "the three things that I don't normally get to talk about…purpose and struggle and things that you don't like about life."
+ Watch Twenty One Pilots talk about their music and being honest in their songs.
Allowing himself to be vulnerable with his feelings, however, paid off in the end, because the lyrics that Tyler was "bashful to show people" are the reasons why the duo can "play the same songs every night and still feel what the song is saying" because those words still resonate with them.
The singer-songwriter also talks about what he wants his songs to mean for other people. He believes if their music "could, in any way, help one person then it's all worth it." Although he's quick to admit he's not a professional in the field, Tyler says he feels it's important to talk about mental health because he really believes it helps people to have conversations about it.
If you want to start a conversation about mental health with your friends and family, you can find resources at Half Of Us or in the action widgets below.