It's Your (Sex) Life teaches people the real deal when it comes to having sex. For example, do you know that 1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD by the age of 25? Luckily it's never too late to take control of your sexual health. Always use protection, get tested regularly and use the hashtag #IYSL to remind your friends to do the same.
Straight But Not Narrow encourages young, straight people to become allies of their LGBTQ peers, because showing support for the LGBTQ community is beyond #cool! Rep #SBNN to show the world just how accepting you are.
+ #HalfOfUs
Half of Us teaches young people to deal with grief, stress and loss the right way. The campaign encourages people to open up about their well-being with friends, family, school counselors, or licensed professionals. Use the hashtag #HalfofUs if you know there's nothing wrong with discussing and seeking help for our mental health. Some of the brightest stars in Hollywood, like Demi Lovato and Katy Perry, have done it, and now they "Roar" louder than ever!
+ #LoveIsLouder
Love is Louder is a social media movement that encourages participants to fight all of the hatred and tragedy in the world with love. Any time your local, national, or global communities are stuck by misfortune, write "Love Is Louder" on your hands, take a sweet selfie, then upload it to your 102930980 social media accounts using the hashtag #LoveIsLouder.
+ #LoveIsRespect
1 in 3 young Americans is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner. Many don't even know it because they believe their partner's behavior is normal. Love Is Respect teaches people to spot and stop dating abuse, from digital spying (yep, snooping through someone's phone or social media accounts is abuse!) to physical violence. Use the hashtag #LoveIsRespect to show the world that you know what real love is like. Perhaps the next time you and your boo take a cute Instagram shot?