Photos: (Esther Ku, Alice Wetterlund, Shalyah Evans)
Season two of "Girl Code" starts in the fall but you don't have to wait that long to hear about the girls' opinions. Shalyah Evans, Esther Ko and Alice Wetterlund are all about Kelly Martin Broderick's pro-feminist Tumblr We Are What Feminists Look Like.
Kelly recently caught the attention of MTV Act for her awesome activism. After a picture of her was used as a cruel anti-feminist, fat-shaming meme, she responded by making a positive online campaign for women's rights and dignity. We reached out to the girls of "Girl Code" to show more MTV support behind this much-needed campaign, and of course we got a positive response.
I mean, why wouldn't we? Feminism is the belief that women should be treated equally, and feminists come from all walks of life, all nationalities, all sexes. The girls on "Girl Code" give the lowdown on what it's like to be a girl, and they know an important part of every girl's life is making sure she has the same rights as boys.
Shalyah said it pretty succinctly: "I am a feminist for a very simple reason: Women are human beings. Our value is equal to that of men. Our thoughts, our rights, and our treatment deserve no less respect than those of a man. The word 'feminist' gets treated like a dirty word sometimes, but I consider it a wonderful compliment, and I'm happy to wear it as a badge of honor. Generations of amazing women have come before us and changed the world, but the fight is never over. I never want to see us become complacent."
So these girls have gotten some pics taken to prove once and for all they're loud, proud feminists who can throw two snaps up when it comes to Girl Power. Check out their photos below, and be sure to send your own photos to the We Are What Feminists Look Like Tumblr by emailing 'em to wearefeminists@gmail.com.

Photo: (Shalyah Evans)

Photo: (Alice Wetterlund)

Photo: (Esther Ku)