"Now You See Me," the magic thriller starring Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher, and Woody Harrelson, tells the story of a world-famous team of magicians who use their various illusionary abilities to pull off fantastical heist. A few months ago, MTV News' Josh Horowitz got a chance to speak with the cast and take a look at some of the magic going on behind the scenes.
As Fisher tells it, after performing so many tricks for the film, some of the cast, like Eisenberg, started to pick up some of the magic. "I've always been attracted to magic," Fisher said. "It keeps a part of your childish optimism alive to see someone do something like that. And actually Jesse [Eisenberg] has gotten really good. He can actually do genuine magic now, and so can some of the other cast."
"Now You See Me" opens in theaters on May 31.