This past weekend at Entertainment Weekly's inaugural CapeTown Film Festival, the audience got a special treat before the screening of the 1997 Special Edition (no ghost Hayden Christensen) of "Return of the Jedi." Mark Hamill made a surprise appearance after the screening.
During a talk with the audience, Hamill once again openly talked about his involvement with the new trilogy of films, but this time, as Ain't It Cool News' Quint reports, he shared some details with his creative meeting with Lucasfilm head Katherine Kennedy.
Hamill told Kennedy that he hoped a new trilogy of films would move back towards practical effects, using more real-life props and sets. Kennedy allegedly said that this was something they were already discussing and mentioned "Jurassic Park" as a model for the balance between practical and digital effects.
The Luke Skywalker actor also commented on the involvement statuses of both Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford. It should come as no surprise to anyone who has been following her latest string of confirmations, but Fisher is "100 percent on-board." Hamill said that Ford is in too, but that the two haven't spoken yet.
"I'm one of you, I feel like you're one of us. I'll be in there fighting and trying to be as honest as I can be about what I think it is made these movies so special in the first place," Hamill said. "It always starts with the script and that's why I'm so encouraged by Michael Arndt's involvement because I respect his writing so much. He's a big fan of these movies, so hopefully we can make something that doesn't make everyone want to find us, cut off our heads and throw it right in our faces."
Thanks to Quint for the solid write-up of the event!