Photo: (Getty Images)
It's pointless. It's boring. It's inconvenient. I've heard (and even made) many excuses not to vote in the past, but unless you're warding off a zombie apocalypse, nothing should keep you from casting yours come November.
Actually, I take that back. In the midst of a zombie takeover, it's imperative that you cast your vote for President, because the man who wins will be in charge of saving you from the living dead. Other than zombies, here are a few other excuses not to vote that just don't fly with us.
+ Excuse #1: "Because registering to vote is too much work."
I feel you. Sometimes even microwaving a Hot Pocket feels like too much work to me. Lucky for us, registering to vote is now even easier and less time-consuming than making a Hot Pocket. Seriously. Pop one in the microwave, head to Power of 12's nifty registration tool, and I guarantee you'll be registered by the time the buzzer goes off.
+ Excuse #2: "Because politics don't affect my life."
Education reform and the health care policy may not be at the forefront of your mind today (I think of such things about 1% of the time; the other 99 I spend trying to come up with clever Tweets), but voting now will help determine what sort of nation you live in when things like that finally do matter to you. To some, voting for the next "American Idol" is more fun than voting for the next President…but what's Kelly Clarkson gonna do for us any time soon? (Aside from really, really get me on her latest, VMA-nominated single. "Even with my daaaaaaaark siiiiiiiide.")
+ Excuse #3: "Because my vote won't make a difference."
While each of us only has one vote, our votes combined make all the difference in the world. If each of us decides not to vote come November, what will happen? Either Washington DC will come to a standstill, or our new President won't represent all Americans and their viewpoints -- only the viewpoints of those who vote. And what if those who vote decide that everybody by the name of (insert your name here) can only wear head-to-toe yellow from now on? The horror! But on a more serious note, your vote does make a difference, because if each of us, all 45 million 18-29 year olds, decide to vote, we can collectively change our nation and the world. We represent the largest potential voting bloc in history. Let's put our power to good use.
+ Excuse #4: "Because politics are confusing."
You want to vote, but have no clue who or what you're voting for. That's what we're here for! Keep up with the MTV Power of 12 campaign for all the latest political news and zombie apocalypse survival strategies.