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Lots of stuff can trend on Twitter these days, but it isn't every day something's trending that makes your heart go out. Ryan Kennedy is a 9-year-old boy battling cancer, always a scary thing, especially at such a young age. His wish is to get his name trending on Twitter, and people throughout the Twitterverse are taking up the cause, tweeting and retweeting #RyanKennedy and talking about the brave boy's story. Actor and all-around hunk Channing Tatum took up the Twitter call to arms and gave us this detailed (well, detailed as far as Twitter goes) info:
RT @missjoymonger: 9y.o. #RyanKennedy is battling brain cancer.His wish is to be a trending topic & gain support for research. #makeithappen
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) May 7, 2012
Of course his tweet took off. Thanks for spreading the word, Channing — you're awesome and um, perfect! But he wasn't the only celeb bringing our attention to Ryan and what he's going through. Britney Spears and Adam Lambert also got involved. Brit wrote the following heartfelt tweet:
There's this sweet boy who is battling cancer, and his biggest wish is to trend on Twitter.Let's make it happen!#ryankennedy
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) May 6, 2012
Touched by the reaction, she added:
Awww everything y'all are saying is so sweet!Keep on tweeting #ryankennedy - I'm gonna follow a few fans who tweet it :)
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) May 6, 2012
Our one and only Glambert didn't go into all the details, but he got the name trending, too:
— Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) May 7, 2012
If you have a Twitter account, would you like to share #RyanKennedy? Feel better, Ryan, we're all rooting for you!