Maurice Sendak has left us for the land of the wild things. May he carry on adventuring.
— Elijah Wood (@woodelijah) May 8, 2012
Film fans and avid readers alike mourn the passing of Maurice Sendak this morning at the age of 83. The children's book author and illustrator is famous for his widely praised book "Where the Wild Things Are," but his contributions to the film and television industry are undeniable.
Spike Jonze, the director who took on the ambitious project of turning Sendak's popular book into a motion picture, said the author's advice was invaluable in making the film. "He said from the beginning that you have to...[make] something that respects kids and doesn't talk down to them, or if not, it wasn't worth doing," Jonze said. Sendak inspired the filmmaker as well as actors like Rachelle Lefevre and John Hodgman who remember him in May 8, 2012's Twitter-Wood.
Also after the cut: Edgar Wright points out "amusing" "Dark Shadows" scenes and Damon Lindelof reveals why "Prometheus'" R-rating was inevitable.
R.I.P. Sendak 1: @hodgman Goodbye, Maurice, id of children, uncompromisingly beautiful, strange, mean, sweet, deep, dark, and true.
-John Hodgman, actor ("Coraline," "The Invention of Lying")
R.I.P. Sendak 2: @RachelleLefevre Maurice Sendak you will be so missed! Thank you for bringing joy into my childhood. Go light up God's night kitchen. RIP
-Rachelle Lefevre, actress ("Twilight")
R.I.P. Sendak 3: @neilhimself He was unique, grumpy, brilliant, gay, wise, magical and made the world better by creating art in it. #RIPMauriceSendak
-Neil Gaiman, writer ("Stardust")
"Dark Shadows" 1: @ChloeGMoretz
#DarkShadows premiere, amazing night
I can't even explain
-Chloe Grace Moretz, actress ("Kick-Ass")
"Dark Shadows" 2: @edgarwright 'Dark Shadows' is one seriously beautiful looking film. Also do look out for the daytime soap blocking in the dialogue scenes. Most amusing.
-Edgar Wright, writer ("Shaun of the Dead")
@jeremypiven Before Twitter did people ask you mention them in their diaries ?
-Jeremy Piven, actor ("Entourage")
"Prometheus" Rating 1: @DamonLindelof I'm not gonna say the R rating was inevitable, but the PG-13 cut of PROMETHEUS was eleven minutes long.
-Damon Lindelof, writer, producer ("Lost")
"Prometheus" Rating 2: @DamonLindelof Also, we would have lost Charlize's best line: "Which one of you motherf------ slept in my motherf------ space waterbed?"
-Damon Lindelof, writer, producer ("Lost")
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