Warner Bros. is inviting fans to take "Pacific Rim" into their own hands. The studio has launched a "Jaeger Designer" that allows users to go online and style their own version of Earth's massive defenders in anticipation of the movie's upcoming release.
The website, which can be found here, allows fans to customize their own Jaeger by giving it different visors, decals and effects. The visors give the Jaeger various strengths, while the effects show how battle hardened it is. Though there are only limited options for each specialization, each Jaeger created will likely turn out looking quite different.
"In 2013 the world was torn open by transdimensional aggressors known as the Kaiju," the site reads. "A bold new initiative was formed, combining military might with technical innovation to create the guardians of our future... the Jaeger. Extinction is not an option. Join the fight."
Though "Pacific Rim" isn't based on a video game, it's interesting that Warner Bros. has opted to promote it through the type of character creation often found at the beginning of video games. It would be cool if these individual Jaeger avatars can be used in future "Pacific Rim" marketing moves, though it's unclear if they'll carry over beyond this "Designer." "Pacific Rim" is due in theaters on July 12.
What did you think of this "Jaeger Designer"? Do you like the way it's similar to video games? Tell us in the comments section below or on Twitter!