"Texas Chainsaw 3D" hit Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download this week, so we hopped on the phone with the movie's deadly heroine, Alexandra Daddario, about how she looks back on her run-in with Leatherface, whether her own movie can actually scare her, and what it's like to go crazy on screen.
Check out our full interview with Alexandra Daddario after the jump!
How has it been looking back on "Texas Chainsaw 3D"?
It's great. I had a really fun time shooting it, so it's sort of cool every time I do a movie, it's like a documentation. You remember where you were doing each scenes. "Oh my god, it was so hot that day." It's kind of cool to see a movie that you haven't seen in a long time and reflect on that stuff.
Were you able to participate in any of the Blu-ray commentaries?
I did not actually. I would have loved to have, but nobody mentioned it to me. I know that there are commentaries by Dan Yeager and the director. Dan Yeager plays Leatherface. I haven't listened to them yet, but I'm looking forward to hearing them and hearing what they have to say. It would have been cool to do a commentary. I have a lot to say. Maybe we'll have to re-release the DVD with my commentary.
Can a movie you starred in scare you at all?
I definitely am able to be scared by things. When we watch the movie, they had a screening before it came out for some of the cast and agents and people like that. We were all jumping out of our seats and screaming. I'm really easily affected by horror films. I have pretty strong reactions to them. This was exception. There are moments when you jump out of your seat. There are things you don't expect. Even in your mind, it could be very different the way something is shot and the way it ends up. There were definitely surprises.
To that effect, is it odd seeing yourself stab someone with a pitch fork?
Yeah, it's odd seeing yourself on screen at all. Seeing yourself say these crazy things, you don't see yourself like that. So that's interesting.
When did you find out about your character's big twist?
I think I was pretty aware of that twist from the beginning. I knew where the story was going. I really like that. It's cool to be a female character who gets to be really strong and tough. She has this awakening where she becomes a different kind of person. Also, to be an actress and act crazy is really fun for me, to be able to be acting like you'd never be able to act in your real life and scream and freak out. It's an interesting test for an actor.
"Texas Chainsaw 3D" is now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and for Digital Download.