Have you ever wondered what you would look like suiting up in the good ol' white and black of an Imperial Stomtrooper? Short of the buying your own suit—the going rate is between $500 and $700 on eBay—or an above average Photoshop job, there are few ways to get that authentic Stormtrooper feeling.
But now (via io9), you have a chance to create a Stormtrooper action figure with your very own face. At Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida for a limited time, you can purchase a 3-D printed Stormtrooper action figure modeled off of a scan of your face. The figure will cost you $100 and about 10 minutes of your time to complete the 3-D face scan. (No matter how excited you might be, try not to smile too much. Stormtroopers have to be serious.)
The offer only lasts for a limited time. You'll have to get to Hollywood Studios during "Star Wars" Weekends 2013, which are the weekends of May 17, May 24, May 31, and June 7.