Two Bit Circus wants you to rethink your beliefs on carnivals...and education. The think tank has gone to Kickstarter to fund their STEAM Carnival, which would be full of robots, electricity, games and contests. You know, education that's fun.
STEAM comes from the acronym Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math, and the carnival aims to "transform the way people view games and amusement," comparing this to how Cirque du Soleil has transformed the way we look at performing arts. "When you say 'engineering' to most kids they zone out. But when you say 'lasers, robots, and fire,' you have their undivided attention," said Two Bit Circus CEO and co-founder, Brent Bushnell. Um, you have our attention too!!!
Photo: One the robots that will be in the STEAM Carnival. (Erin Broadley)
And where did the idea for this awesome carnival come about? In 2010, a few members of Two Bit Circus were involved in OK Go's famed music video, "This Too Shall Pass." which has nearly 40 million views on YouTube. "The sheer volume of interest we received from science and math teachers around the world after that video is what spawned the idea for the STEAM Carnival," explained lead engineer Dan Busby.
The carnival will tour different parts of the nation next year, and it wants to make sure you get involved. You'll be able to take part in digital art galleries, musical robot concerts, and electronics turned into fashion. Haven't seen all that at an ordinary carnival, have ya?
+ Watch STEAM Carnvial's Kickstarter Video.
So if you want to get involved, you can submit your votes on where the carnival will travel to. Donating through Kickstarter is a definite way to help, and besides that, you can spread news on social media about what's going on, because you never know who will be reading. You can also give your parents a heads up, since they love educational stuff, amirite?
There are 18 days to go, so hopefully STEAM Carnival (with your help!) will earn the necessary funds...and roll into your 'hood next spring. Because who can turn down musical robots?