Photos: (Getty)
So summer vacay is on, but you don't want to do the usual. Don't worry! There are tons of other awesome things you can do (and Instagram) with your time off...one of them even involves stripping.
+ Summer Cleaning

F--- spring cleaning! Summertime is when most of us revamp our wardrobes. Do yourself and your community a favor by donating old clothes to a local homeless shelter or affordable secondhand store. I say "affordable" because most hipster thrift stores are so freaking expensive, you may as well buy new clothes. Many thrift stores will even let you trade old clothes for "new" ones!
+ Alternative Summer Vacay

Many schools arrange alternative summer trips for students who want to spend their time off volunteering. It's usually cheapest to travel with your school (some programs even offer scholarships), but there are also lots of great non-academic programs run by groups like United Way and Habitat For Humanity. I guarantee you'll come back from a volunteer trip feeling muuuuch better about yourself than you will after a week of downing tequila in Cancun.
+ Road Trip!

Mix fun and philanthropy with a week-long road trip! Contact local organizations where you can volunteer during the day, then hit local hot spots at night. (Although I know from experience that there are few things worse than working a soup kitchen with a hangover…) Or use your summer break to shoot a web documentary, interviewing the people you meet along the way…or just at the hotel pool. Imagine the amazing responses you'd get from tipsy vacationers on on, say, safe sex. Along the way, challenge yourself to rely on your car less and find other ways to help the environment.
+ Have a Party!

Just because you're not anywhere exotic doesn't mean you can't have a party. And just because you're having a party doesn't mean it can't be for a good cause. Throw a summer-themed party at your place. Ask people to strip at the door, and leave their clothes in a donation bin. Oh, I forgot to mention! Make sure they're wearing swimsuits under their clothes. Party all night, and in the morni--whenever you wake up the next day, donate the clothes to charity.
Summer vacay is a great time to relax, but you KNOW you're gonna be bored before you know it. Take action below to made a difference in your down time.