Photo: (Getty(
You know there's a brand-new episode of "World of Jenks" on tonight at 11/10c on MTV, but didja know Andrew Jenks is also putting on a competition where you can meet the filmmaker himself AND have $500 donated to charity?
Andrew Tweeted:
If you wanna hang with me in NYC and win 500 bucks go here (or if u prefer u can just take the 500 and chill):…
— Andrew Jenks (@AndrewJenks) March 11, 2013
Andrew's got a new book out called "My Adventures as a Young Filmmaker" where he shares some of the inspiring experiences he's had from making his eye-opening documentaries. And right now, he's hoping to get inspired by you. From now until March 31, Andrew's asking you to submit photos of you making a positive change in your community. You also get to include a creative caption to explain what you're doing in the photo.
Andrew himself will be looking over the pics and deciding on a winner. The grand prize is a trip to NYC to meet him, and his book publisher Scholastic will donate $500 to the charity associated with the work you do. Five runners-up will also be chosen, and they'll each get a signed copy of "My Adventures as a Young Filmmaker."
We might not all be professional filmmakers like Andrew, but with a picture, you bettah believe you can inspire people the world over. Take action below to enter!