Photo: (Getty)
Even Oscar winners get bullied. But as we witnessed during the 2013 Oscars, when "Silver Linings Playbook" star Jennifer Lawrence falls, she gets right back up. In a recent interview, J. Law revealed that she was bullied in school -- and LOOK AT HURR NOW.
"I changed schools a lot when I was in elementary school because some girls were mean," she says. "And in middle school, this one girl gave me invitations to hand out to her birthday party that I wasn't invited to…but that was fine. I just hocked a loogie on them and threw them in the trash can."
Bullying can be painful, but that fact that Jennifer went from victim to Oscar-winner just goes to show that bullies can't ruin your life -- not even close. If you've been hurt in person or online, take a step back and remember that bullying is a sign of weakness, not strength. Or as Jennifer said: "Don't worry about the b-tches."
Check out MTV's A Thin Line, and take action below for resources on how to deal with bullies. And don't worry. Someday, you'll have bodyguards for that!