Two of the world's greatest magicians comedians, Steve Carell and Jim Carrey are coming to "MTV First" to thrill and amaze you in anticipation of their next big collaboration, "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone."
Carell and Carrey will bring the magic to you on MTV this Tuesday (March 12) at 7:56 p.m. ET with an exclusive clip from their upcoming movie. Immediately afterward, the duo will head to where they'll be sitting down for a fantastical 30-minute interview with MTV News' Josh Horowitz.
But for this one, they're going to need a volunteer (or two) from the audience. If you'd like to get your question for Jim Carrey or Steve Carell answered, you'll have to tweet them @MTVNews, using the hash-tag #MTVFirst and #AskBurt.
"MTV First: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" kicks off on MTV at 7:56 p.m. ET this Tuesday (March 12) with Steve Carell and Jim Carrey presenting an exclusive clip, then heading to to take your questions.