Photo: (Getty)
Justin Bieber's latest fashion accessory is…a gas mask?! Is he avoiding the paparazzi, starting a new fashion trend, or sending a message about the toxic bull around him? We love the Biebz, so let's err on the side of optimism and assume he's making a statement about saving the environment.
Here are five ways you can reduce pollution so you don't ever have to find a gas mask that matches your Friday night outfit.
+ Carpool
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than half of the air pollution in the U.S. is caused by Justin Bieber's private jet mobile emissions. Share a ride with a friend to reduce your impact on the environment. Carpooling is also a great excuse to spend time with that hottie who lives 'round the corner!
+ Walk More
There's a McDonald's 5 blocks from my apartment, and I'm ashamed to say how many times I've driven there instead of walking. And I know I'm not the only one, 'cause I've totes caught my neighbor at the drive-thru before. C'mon, people! How lazy are we?! Get your sneaks or comfy heels on (you never know who you'll bump into on the sidewalk!), and walk places. Saving the environment is especially awesome when it also tones your calves.
+ Turn The Lights Off
You may not know it, but leaving the lights on causes air pollution! Fossil fuel-powered plants account for 40 percent of man-made carbon dioxide emissions. Turn the lights off before you head out to Justin's next concert, or if you must leave one on so you don't stumble over your furniture in the dark when you get home, make the switch to eco-friendly light bulbs.
+ Cool Down/Heat Up Naturally
It takes power to heat and cool your home, and power plants cause major pollution. Only use your heater and air conditioner when absolutely necessary. Or, as my dad would say, "If it's cold, put some clothes on!" Snuggling is also a good heater alternative…
+ Use Less Packaging
The process of manufacturing packaging emits harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. Buy brands that use as little packaging as possible to save the environment and yourself from the annoyance of unwrapping stuff. Like, can I just get to my candy already?!
How to you go green on a daily basis? Let us know in the comments, or Tweet us!