"Sons of Anarchy" actor Charlie Hunnam recently dropped out of the film adaptation of "Fifty Shades of Grey," due to scheduling conflicts. He had been set to play the leading role of Christian Grey. While departure must be sad for the movie's cast and crew he's left the (bedroom) door open for tons of other phenomenal men.
Here are our top picks! They're not only ridiculously good-looking, but also ridiculously good people.
+ Alexander Skarsgard Walks With the Wounded
Photo: (GQ)
He plays a cold-blooded vamp on "True Blood," so it comes as no surprise that Alexander Skarsgard is willing to get chilly for charity. He recently announced his intentions to race across Antarctica as part of the Walking With the Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge. "I'm part of the US team and I was just honored when they asked me. It's called Walking With the Wounded, the charity," the 37-year-old actor told E! News. The 208-mile winter trek raises money for programs to help wounded vets get back up on their feet. Prince Harry will also be participating, but on the British team. Now only if the vamp and prince Instagrammed a photo together. Swoooooon!
+ Jamie Dornan Supports Tiny Lifs
Photo: (Calvin Klein)
"Once Upon A Time" actor Jamie Dornan is a top contender for the roll of Christian Grey, and we can totes see it in his low brow and smoldering eyes. (Also, Google "Jamie Dornan Calvin Klein." Trust me. Just do it.) Jamie is a spokesperson for Tiny Life, a UK org that supports families who have experienced the birth of a premature, ill, or disabled baby.
+ Ian Somerhalder Loves Mother Earth
Photo: (The Fashion)
"Vampire Diaries" bad boy (Or is he a good boy? The show is always throwing us for a loop!) Ian Somerhalder launched the Ian Somerhalder Foundation to raise funds and awareness to protect wildlife and the environment. He uses his star power to speak up for all of the causes he believes in, while his millions of fans and followers are hoping he believes in the role of Christian Grey. If only he could use his vampire compulsion to make the casting directors pick him!
+ Matt Bomer Fights AIDS
Photo: (Tumblr)
"Magic Mike" hunk Matt Bomer came out during last year's Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards, while receiving the New Generation Arts and Activism Award for his commitment to fighting HIV and AIDS. If Matt were to be cast as Christian Grey, it'd show all of the LGBTQ haters (and the often closed-minded film industry) that gay men can convincingly play straight roles.
+ Robert Pattinson Stands Up To Cancer
Photo: (GQ)
"Twilight" hottie Robert Pattinson attended last year's Stand Up To Cancer telethon, where he helped raise over $81 million for cancer research. Christian Grey's skin doesn't sparkle in the sunlight, but we're sure that'd only make him more irresistible to Anastasia Steele.
+ Ryan Gosling Loves Pregnant Pigs
Photo: (GQ)
Like the true hipster he is, Ryan Gosling chose one of the most offbeat and awesome causes to support earlier this year: pregnant pigs. Everybody's favorite flannel-wearing actor recently wrote an opinion piece to Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper to raise awareness and secure better lives for pregnant pigs.
So, which hunk do you want to see in the role of Christian Grey?
Who Do You Want To See In The Role Of Christian Grey?