Well, this is unexpected...
Vulture dropped a massive scoop today about the future of the "Star Wars" franchise and Zack Snyder, but this has pretty much nothing to do with "Episode VII," which still doesn't have a director.
Apparently, Snyder is developing a "Seven Samurai"-inspired stand-alone film set within the "Star Wars" universe. According to Vulture's sources, the film would go into production after "Episode VII" and work outside the new trilogy.
Before you start groaning about "Sucker Punch" and "Watchmen," take a nerdy breath. Snyder has a strong visual style, unlike anything that we've ever seen in the "Star Wars" universe before. Everyone out there who has said something along the lines of "Wouldn't it be cool if So-and-So directed a 'Star Wars' movie,' this is a victory for you. If Snyder is, in fact, making a stand-alone "Star Wars," this is a very promising sign of the direction Disney is looking to take the series. Strong visualists doing something different with a very familiar world.
Now go and watch "Seven Samurai" again!
Head over to MTV News for the full report on Zack Snyder and "Star Wars"!