With only two and a half weeks left until "Prometheus" hits the big screen, we're being treated to a more in depth look at the characters in the film. We've already learned about David and got to know Elizabeth Shaw, and now we're being introduced to Charlize Theron's villainous Meredith Vickers.
"She works for the Weyland company who built this spaceship and has basically funded this mission to find the origins of where we come from," Theron said in the newest featurette revealed through the "Prometheus" viral. "She really is the character that in many ways goes against everything that everybody else is there to do."
There's some previously unseen footage in this video that gives us a better sense of how Vickers works. As we've seen in the previous "Alien" movies, the Weyland Corporation is out for only one thing: themselves. We seem to see that Vickers repeatedly puts the company over her crew in "Prometheus," something that is in keeping with what we know of Weyland.
"She desperately tries to control the situation that she finds herself in," Theron added.
If you haven't been keeping up with the "Prometheus" viral campaign, we highly suggest you check out the featurettes that came before this. Guy Pearce's TED Talk as Weyland founder Peter Weyland and Michael Fassbender's introduction as the android David are two of our favorite pieces of viral marketing this year.
"Prometheus" lands in theaters on June 8.
Tell us what you think of the latest featurette in the comments section or hit us up on Twitter!