The "Men in Black" are back with the third installment of their popular franchise. The movie centers on our favorite men in black, Agent K and Agent J, as they trail a one-armed alien named Boris the Animal who escapes from his confined prison on the moon. K shot his arm off back in the sixties and Boris wants his revenge. He travels back in time to 1969 and kills K so that his arm is restored and the world is left unprotected from alien invasion. J must follow Boris to the past to save K's life and discover the secrets of the universe.
While critics suggest the franchise didn't need a third film, the three-quel is on par with the first "MIB" movie that sparked audiences' attention. It keeps its viewers entertained and will delight fans who loved the first flick. Here are our five reasons to see it this weekend.
Will Smith's Humor
Agent J is back and he's as funny as ever. He continually banters back and forth with the present Agent K, skeptically questioning all of K's moves as they bicker on how to handle situations. He's the same smooth-talking character that engaged audiences in the first film. From his explanations after erasing bystanders' memories on the scene of a crime to stealing a car and trying to convince two racist cops that it's not because of his skin color, he keeps the audience laughing throughout the film.
Josh Brolin's Performance
"The Goonies" actor completely nails the role of Agent K. His accent, mannerisms, facial expressions, body language—everything reminds us of Tommy Lee Jones. Smith even told MTV News that Brolin's performance completely shocked him. "It is really amazing what he's able to do. And it's crazy—it's so amazing that he's not gonna get credit for it because he just seems like young Tommy Lee Jones." And Smith is right. Brolin is able to trick us into thinking Agent J really did go back in time and we're not seeing a different actor on screen, but Jones in his younger years. When one actor can completely embody another, that's a performance worth noting.
The Aliens
All three "MIB" films star extraterrestrials that were born in the mind of Rick Baker, legendary monster make-up artist. He introduces us to a whole new set of awesome looking aliens in the third movie that make audiences squirm and laugh. The most notable creature causing the former reaction is Boris the Animal. His teeth are jagged and gross (go to the dentist kids!), and the skin around his eyes opens to show what almost looks like fingers holding his goggles in place. His feet and hands have the same function (all the better to hold you with, my dear?), but his hands also have an added bonus. There's a creepy spider-like creature that shoots pointy nail-like structures into its victims, and would like to know where that lives? Inside Boris' palm! We cringed—a lot.
The Nostalgia
It's been 15 years since we were introduced to the secret organization protecting earth from alien life. We can remember why the word "sugar" can still make us laugh and why Jones and Smith are the perfect duo. As the film goes back in time, it's littered with scenes that recall our memory of K and J in the early stages of becoming partners. The most notable scene is when the younger K refuses to give J the gun he time jumped with, handing him a pistol instead. We are instantly reminded of J's initial reaction in the first film when K handed him the tiny firearm with big power that threw him across the room with one blast. It's scenes like that that make this three-quel worth checking out.
An Unexpected Ending
Without giving too much away we can say the ending holds an unexpected twist that ties all three films in the franchise together. It's shocking and sweet and our eyes might have filled with tears at one point (but if you tell anyone that we'll deny it).
Are you heading out to see "Men in Black 3" this holiday weekend? Tell us why in the comments and on Twitter!