For the upcoming comedy "Townies," Zac Efron will be making his leap to comedy, and he'll be making it in style. The film is being directed by "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" helmer Nicholas Stoller and co-stars Seth Rogen.
When MTV News' Josh Horowitz caught up with Efron backstage at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards, he talked at length about the mood on set, working with Seth, and the high volume of shirtless scenes that await the audience.
"It's a pretty funny scene towards the end of the movie, but my character starts working at Abercrombie & Fitch," he said. "We were just out there having fun, total improv."
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One of the biggest draws for Efron to the project was the chance to work with Rogen and practice a style of comedy he wasn't used to.
"I really admire Seth. I think that he is one of my favorite comedic actors of our generation. There really hasn't been a role that I've seen in him that I haven't enjoyed," Efron said. "It's nice to step inside these guys' world of comedy and be with Seth in it. He's a great partner in crime. We're having a good time. It's a bit of a dream come true for me."
But that admiration doesn't translate into nerves, unless it's the first day on set. "Once you get over the first day, there's nothing really intimidating about it," he said. "You're talking about my two favorite people. Nicole is such an angel, and Seth is all about being there and being present."