by Eddie Wright
On April 2, Wesley Snipes was officially released from the clink following a stint for tax evasion. Now -- according to Slyvester Stallone's Twitter feed -- the three-time Vampire hunter is said to be joining your future Father's Day purchase, "Expendables 3."
Late on April 15, Stallone tweeted the following about the Simon Phoenix to his John Spartan:
@theslystalloneWesley Snipes is BACK!!!! ... ...with US.
— Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) April 15, 2013
Does Stallone simply mean Snipes is back in the real world and no longer donning stripes? Or does the "...with US" mean that he's suiting up with Stallone and his (rumored) cohorts Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Jackie Chan, Bill Clinton (?), Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, and other 80's icons? We await confirmation/denial.
In other "Sylvester Stallone likes Twitter news," the sinewy star stoked the flames about Mel Gibson joining the crew behind the camera. He said:
What about Mel Gibson directing EXPENDABLES FIVE???
— Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) April 11, 2013
Stallone added that he was just joshing, but figured he'd take the opportunity to ask fans for their thoughts/build buzz:
No , I was kiddiing about , but seriously , what about Mel Gibson directing EXPENDABLES 3?Opinions anyone ?Curious.....
— Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) April 11, 2013
Finally, adding some clarification on April 15:
Mel is a MAGNIFICENT director! Pure passion on every level . we'd be blessed to have him.. A REAL long shot, but LIFE is a long shot -right?
— Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) April 15, 2013
"Expendables 3" is currently in pre-production. No director is attached.
[via Joblo]
What do you think of this "Expendables 3" update? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Twitter!