Photo: (MTV)
Life can get pretty "Awkward." sometimes. Sexual health doesn't have to be though, and Jillian Rose Reed and Molly Tarlov from Awkward are here to help you through those stutters, side glances, and nervous smiles. GYT and "Awkward." have teamed up for April's National STD Awareness Month, and we'll be rolling out interviews with the "Awkward." ladies each week!
This week, we asked Molly and Jillian how their characters, Sadie and Tamara, would bring up getting tested for STDs. It's no surprise that Sadie would take control of the situation and throw all her friends in her car to drive to the clinic. "She [Sadie] would need to see the paper that said what the results are," Molly shares. As for Tamara, Jillian knows that if her character didn't know her status, she would obsess about it in her head, coming up with her own crazy lingo for the diseases, until she did. "She would make up so many new words if she was in her head about this. She would just need to get it done," Jillian says.
We also wanted to know what was up with the response to Sadie's STD scare last year. Who could forget the episode when Sadie came to school in a turtleneck hiding a "stress zit" and later stressed that her bf, Ricky, had given her herpes? It was all a ton of drama that could have been avoided by simply talking to Ricky about it and getting tested. No need to hide behind a turtleneck. "It's super common. 1 out of every 2 people will get an STD by the time they're what, 25? And they just need to know that they need to get tested," Tamara reveals.
So -- stress less, get tested. GYT makes it easy to know your status. Be sure to check back all month for the latest interviews with the "Awkward." ladies!