There are some people out there who really don't agree with Disney's choice of J.J. Abrams to take over the "Star Wars" franchise with "Episode VII," and then there's the cast of "Star Trek."
Even though the cast of Abrams' first sci-fi franchise have been completely supportive of the director's jump to a rival series, Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine were able to joke a little back stage at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards, calling Abrams a "traitor."
But will Abrams return for the eventual "Star Trek 3"? Spock thinks that if the director wants to make it, he will.
"I think if he wants to have time, he'll make the time," Quinto said. "And we certainly want him to."
At the same time, Pine understand the enormity of Abrams' "Star Wars" deal. "That's a big commitment. The good thing about J.J. is that no matter what happens, you know that if he has to hand it off to someone, it will be someone that he trusts and will take care of the franchise," Pine said. "But we do want J.J. I think all of us do."
The "Star Wars" deal does, however, offer the opportunity for Abrams to hire some of his "Trek" actors. "Didn't you hear? I've already been cast... as an ewok," Quinto said. "I'm the sage, grizzled, wisened grandfather ewok, who comes in to impart all of his ewok wisdom to the younger ewoks."
"Star Trek Into Darkness" opens in theaters on May 17.