In the early days of Disney animated features, the creators would film somewhat elaborate versions of the image in real life for animators to use later. The image above is one of those tests next to the finished product.
Also, the bells ring out for "Game of Thrones" in today's Dailies!
» Spliced photos of Disney cartoons and the actors they film for reference. [Technicolor Disney]
» The bell tower at University of Wisconsin played the "Game of Thrones" theme. [io9]
» New stills from "Carrie" remake [ComingSoon]
» "Fast and Furious 6" featurette [iTunes]
» Robert De Niro and Shia LaBeouf will be father and son in "Spy's Kid" [THR]
» Clip from "Pain and Gain" [The Playlist]
Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.