Photo: (Getty)
When it comes to parenting, it seems Madonna has raised dem babies to be quite the lil' philanthropists, which we love obvi! Following in the footsteps of her very famous mother, Lourdes, 16, is using her voice to better the world. The budding fashionista recently blogged about her experience volunteering in "the apocalypse," or what we may know as the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Earlier this winter, Lourdes along with her family ventured into the Rockaway neighborhood of Queens, New York after the devastating hurricane to give back. Lourdes wrote, "My family and I went down to Rockaway a while back and the devastation was awful. It looked like the apocalypse and trash, rubble and tree branches were everywhere. We boxed provisions and gave them out to folks that needed them. It was actually really awesome to see how many people were there helping out." Okay, first off I need that hat that Madonna is wearing in the photo below! Don't you just LOVE her style? What an icon. *fan girl moment*
Photo: Like mother, like daughter: Madonna and Lourdes volunteering in Rockaway. (Gothamist/Masako Takagi)
Although the hurricane hit last October, Lourdes is right, there is still so much we can do to help the local areas affected. She explains, "it's extremely important that we STILL do what we can because people still need help. This can be donating to hurricane relief or going down to the affected locations and helping out." Here are 5 ways to help those in need because we know you're more than just a "Material Girl" just like Lourdes and her moms!