Photo: (MTV)
In the midst of all the craziness happening on "Buckwild," one of the voices of reason is Anna Davis. She's totally that friend you call up for solid advice on EVERYTHING -- from lame BF's to family dramz, Anna seems to always give good real talk. Plus, she made out with that really cute boy with the button-down shirt at her Cinco de Mayo party! We'll be seeing more of Anna and co. too, as the cast signed on to a second season of the show -- yay! With Valentine's Day 'round the corner, we'll be introducing you to the sweeter side of the "BUCKWILD" girls. Last week, we chatted with Cara and in this installment, get to know Anna a little bit better!
First things first: How could anyone not notice Anna's adorable dog, Lilly? Anna adopted her from a shelter and encourages other people to also look into pet adoption. She'd been wanting to get a dog, and she made sure to get one from the shelter. Not only does adoption rescue a pet's life, but Anna says that adopting Lilly was "the best decision I ever made." Read our interview with her below about Lilly, "Buckwild" fans and dating deal-breakers!
Photo: Awww, puppy love! Anna posing with Lilly. (Anna Davis)
ACT: What made you want to rescue your dog? How did it all come about?
ANNA: I'd never had a dog in my life, and it was my senior year of high school. I really wanted a dog and people approached me and said they'd bred their dogs. I was like, "No. I would rather save a dog that needs a home." I went to the shelter and I found Lilly and it's the best decision I ever made.
ACT: What did you learn through the process about shelters and pet adoption?
ANNA: If the pets don't get adopted in a certain amount of time, they get euthanized. That's just heartbreaking because I'm such an animal lover. I always encourage my friends to do it [adopt a shelter pet] if they're going to get an animal. They're like the best animals, because they remember who saved them, you know?
ACT: How do you convince friends and other young people to participate in causes like animal rights?
ANNA: I explain to them the situation, how these animals were brought into this unfairly and they all need good homes and they are the best dogs ever. Purebreds are fine, but I just think they [shelter dogs] are so much more loving. I try to explain that, and I have a lot of friends who have adopted. You know, Cara adopted Presley and that was shortly after we moved in together.
Photo: Lilly (on top) and Presley just kicking it! (Anna Davis)
ACT: What's the response been to you being on the show? Do tell!
ANNA: It's actually been a really good response. I'm very happy with the feedback. To every couple of negative comments, I get so many good ones and so much support. It's really nice, and surprising considering what was said before the show aired.
First it was kind of hard to see the stuff people say when they don't even know who you are. But after a while you just kind of have to laugh at it. It's people being ignorant.
ACT: What are your dating deal-breakers? Would you ever date someone who didn't volunteer?
ANNA: Yeah, I would, but I would try to encourage them to. But, you know, to each his own.