In the weeks leading up to San Diego Comic-Con, rumors began to swell that Godzilla, the king of all monsters, would make an appearance during the Warner Bros-Legendary panel.
Well, he did, and everyone loved it.
Let's back up a second. Director Gareth Edwards was on hand to present a trailer for his take on the iconic monster. The trailer reportedly had a gritty feel, showing some serious destruction in a ruined city after a monster fight. Flies swarmed around two fallen kaiju, the defeated opponents of Godzilla.
Check out more after the jump!
The trailer concluded with the main monster himself, Godzilla, the design a throwback to the original look of the creature. His roar also came straight from the original Japanese movies.
Shortly after the Comic-Con presentation, the first teaser poster for the reboot popped up online, also honoring the Japanese origins.
What do you think of the new "Godzilla" material? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!