Photo: (Getty)
From political scandal to Kate Upton's boobies, good, bad, and even unimportant news spreads like wildfire on the Internet. In this day and age, politicians can't say or do anything without it being parodied online. From laugh-out-loud overdubs to Hilary Clinton showing Ryan Gosling who's boss, this year's political memes have been GOLDEN. Here are a few of our faves through the first half of 2012!
+ Texts From Hilary

Ever wonder who Hillary "Hillz" Clinton texts late at night? Ryan Gosling, duh! Texts From Hillary is a hilarious Tumblr account that captions pictures of our Secretary of State looking and texting like an HBIC on a plane that is wider than my studio apartment.
+ Bad Lip Reading
If elected president, how will Mitt Romney approach foreign policy? He'll "force spiders and badgers on the enemy and get 'em all to shut up," of course! Bad Lip Reading is a popular YouTube channel that overdubs videos of politicians with comical, nonsensical gibberish. Who knew Mitt was so into Madonna?!
+ Rick Santorum's Sweater Vest

Like many Republicans, Rick Santorum believes in every man's right to bare arms…in a sweater vest. While on the campaign trail, Santorum single-handedly made sweater vests cool again for the first time, selling over 3,000 of his signature vest to his supporters. Rick's vest even has its own parody Twitter account!
+ RickLovin

Rick Santorum may not have made it to the White House, but he made it onto our list twice! This time for his younger self's striking resemblance to McLovin. RickLovin totally could have starred in "Superbad."
+ Pokémon, Herman Cain chooses you!
When GOP candidate Herman Cain announced that he was no longer running for president, he left his supporters with the following words of inspiration: "Life can be a challenge. Life can seem impossible. It's never easy when there's so much on the line. But you and I can make a difference. There's a mission just for you and me." Turns out those words were a direct quote from a Pokémon movie theme song. It was only a matter of time before Photoshoppers galore superimposed Pokéballs into Cain's waiting hands, and while he won't be catching 'em all (votes, that is) come November, he definitely caught all the LOLS.
+ Barackdubs
Baracksdubs is a YouTuber and MTV Act fave who edits snippets of Obama's speeches together to make him sing entire songs like Carley Rae Jepson's "Call Me Maybe" and Justin Bieber's "Girlfriend." Now if only we could get all voters as excited for the upcoming election as middle-school girls are for The Biebz' next single.
+ Newt On The Moon

While running for president, Republican candidate Newt Gingrich promised us a manned moon colony by 2020. Some laughed; some praised; others Photoshopped. When Gingrich dropped out of the race, Comedy Central's Indecision said goodbye to him with a hilarious spoof of children's book "Goodnight Moon," entitled "Goodnight Moon Colony."
+ Obi Obama Wan Kenobi

While supporting Chicago's bid for the 2012 Olympics, Obama jousted with a light saber on the White House lawn. He was practically begging to be meme-ified…which is sorta like being mummified, only more permanent. You, too, can become a meme by submitting a Power Pic to Power Of 12. Take a photo of yourself and caption it by finishing the line, "I will use my power to…" As voters, each of us has the power to shape the nation we live in. What will you use your power for?