By now, hopefully you've done the smart thing and headed to the theater to check out "Prometheus" in glorious 3-D. It's a theater-going experience that any science-fiction fan, casual or hardcore, needs to have this summer, but the fun doesn't stop when you leave the theater and kindly place your 3-D glasses in the receptacle. A lot of the joy of "Prometheus" comes from discussing all your theories with others who have seen Ridley Scott's latest.
Obvious spoilers below.
Why did the Engineers want to kill us? Why was David such a bastard? Does any of this actually make sense? A ton of theories and analyses have sprouted online like a bunch of chestbursters chestbursting, so we've collected some here for you.
Click past the jump to read our favorites and to see the latest viral video. (Yes, there's another.)
» Currently, the theory gaining the most recognition comes from a Livejournal user named cavalorn. His article, entitled "Prometheus Unbound: What The Movie Was Actually About," explores the literary background of many of the themes and recurrent images in "Prometheus" and covers a wide range of possible sources from Greek mythology to classic Christian imagery. You can check it out by clicking here.
» Drew McWeeny, over at HitFix, posted a lengthy deep-dive after his second trip to the theater for "Prometheus." His analysis explicitly takes on many of the lingering questions from the movie, and, like cavalorn, addresses the popular theory that Jesus Christ was an Engineer ambassador. You can read McWeeny's analysis here.
» If you're more interested about the actual science behind "Prometheus" rather than theories about what it could mean, Science Blogs has a rundown of the real tech behind the science-fiction. Check that out here.
» Not to play any favorites, but MTV News spoke with Damon Lindelof about many of the core questions at the heart of "Prometheus" during a long interview. You can find the first part, which addresses the film's connections to Lindelof's experiences with "Lost," here, and the second, which talks exclusively about the self-surgery scene, here.
Oh, so you thought that just because "Prometheus" opened on Friday that the viral marketing campaign was over? Thankfully, you're wrong.
Sharp-eyed "Prometheus" viewers over the weekend found clues which pointed them to a yet undiscovered viral site from Weyland Industries. features a short, new video of young Peter Weyland before his TED talk, seemingly hinting at some event taking place on October 11, 2012.
What's your favorite theory about "Prometheus"? Share them with us in the comments below and on Twitter!