Photos: (Getty)
You've been flexing your do-gooder muscles -- getting behind the different charities in the Mozilla Firefox Challenge, and the results are in! Did you back the winning orgs? Find out below!
Ian Somerhalder, who gave MTV Act an exclusive interview about his love of everything on this earth, ended up being crowned the king with his Ian Somerhalder Foundation. ISF brought in $121,905 (whoa!) and will get an additional $50,000 for winning. In second place, and close behind ISF, was Jimmy Kimmel with Comfort the Children. Comfort the Children works to make sustainable change in Kenya. In third place was the Bat World Sanctuary. Who else here loves that a vampire came in first and a bat came in third?
Ian, Jimmy and the Bat World Sanctuary will receive extra money for being on the top of the lists, but this is a challenge where everyone wins. Even if the other orgs didn't bring in the top prizes, they still earned good money from fundraising. Jonah Hill can still say "F Cancer" with the $52,335 he brought in for his org, Olivia Wilde gets to bring more peace and justice to Haiti with $44,965 going to Artists for Peace and Justice, and Brittany Snow will make love even louder with the $9,195 she brought in to Love is Louder.
So now that the results are in, are you ready to sign up for ISF or go batty helping bats? Or would you like to turn your attention to one of the other orgs that didn't make it to the very top? The Challenge might be over, but there are still opportunities for you to help all the orgs involved!