Photo: (MTV)
MTV's new reality series "Washington Heights" premiered earlier this week. It follows nine friends as they further their personal and professional lives in…wait…where exactly is Washington Heights?! Here are a few facts about the place that is neither home to Mr. President nor the Space Needle!
155: Washington Heights is a New York City borough (like a mini town within a town). It goes from 155th Street to Dykman Street, and spans Manhattan from the Hudson to the Harlem River. In NY speak, we call that "waaaay uptown."
2194: The number of trees in Washington Heights. You country folk may be unimpressed, but in a concrete jungle, having even one tree is kind of a big deal. I once met a guy with a patch of grass in front of his apartment. Totally made out with him. There are gold diggers and then there are green diggers, my friend.
1: One prominent historical figure was named after Audubon Ave. a popular street in Washington Heights and the nickname of the main narrator on the show. Yep, bird lover and artist John James Audubon is a legend -- he discovered 25 new bird species!
73: The population of Washington Heights is 82% Hispanic. It is the epicenter of Dominican culture in the U.S.
9: The number of cast members on MTV's new series "Washington Heights." A singer, a poet, a fashion designer a baseball player, the list goes on. Catch the cast (and the drama) every Wednesday at 10/9c. Until then, check out the first episode below!
+ Watch episode 1 of "Washington Heights."