Photo: (Twitter)
With the price of college going up, up, AND UP, it's hard for fams to afford to send their kids off to school. Take for example, 20-year-old Corey Arvinger, a current former Howard University college student, who is being held back from living his dream for one reason...you guessed it...$$$$!
After being a complete badass student (he went to China for his leadership group, is an honor roll student, etc.) he was soon told that he had a $14,000 balance on his account. SURPRISE! Yea, no surprise I would want to see! Can I get an amen? He was then faced with a reality that many students across the United States have faced, his financial aid package wasn't going to be enough to continue his education.
Instead of focusing on the negative, Corey decided to spin it into a positive by turning to the web for some extra help! The savvy business student launched his own Kickstarter account asking those out in Cyberspace to help a good fella out. We have no doubt he will rich his goal! Corey stated on his site, "I am asking 4,000 people to contribute $4 to help me to reach my goal. Will you be a part of the solution? If you can not give $4 ANY donation is appreciated. The ratio is 1 male to every 13 females in college. I want to be that 1." And really $4...it's either a vanilla latte from Starbucks or helping a student stay in college! If you can't donate though, just spread the good word about Corey's campaign on Twitter with the hashtag, #4For14000.
Good luck, Corey! Fingers crossed those donations roll in!