During the press circuit for "Django Unchained," Quentin Tarantino once again discussed his feeling that his latest film and "Inglourious Basterds" "bespeak a trilogy," one that would need a conclusion.
It was during an interview withe The Root that Tarantino first mentioned a possible candidate for a closing act, a "Basterds" spin-off he tentatively calls "Killer Crow."
As exciting as further adventures of the Basterds sound, we couldn't help but ask the Bear Jew himself, Eli Roth, what he's heard about "Killer Crow" during an interview for the upcoming film "The Last Exorcism: Part II."
Read what Roth had to say about the project after the jump!
Though Roth wouldn't reveal any details of his discussions with Tarantino about "Killer Crow"—and there have been discussions—he seems ready to head back to WWII.
"I've known about that project for ten years, so we've definitely discussed it," Roth said. "Quentin knows I'm ready to pick up the bat. I'm always ready to pick up the bat for him if he needs it."
Do you want to see Tarantino finish off his historical trilogy with "Killer Crow"? Let us know what you think in the comments below and on Twitter!