By Colin Greten
"Skyfall," the long awaited twenty-third installment of the James Bond film franchise, is set to be released November 9, with Daniel Craig reprising his role as Agent 007. As the film's premiere approaches more content, information as well as ad campaigns, has been released.
Today, a new video blog, international trailer, and Heinken ad all hit the web, and you can check them out after the jump!
The newest trailer takes some of the same images from the original teaser released in May, but goes much further in exploring the plot of Bond's newest adventure. We are introduced to a new seductive Bond girl in Berenice Marlohe and see much more action, as well as, more Javier Bardem as the villain than in the teaser. Bardem's speech to a tied up Bond is both creepy and foreboding, setting up a possible storyline of betrayal between M (Dame Judi Dench) and her trusted agent in Craig's Bond. Does anyone do a creepy voiced villain as well as Bardem? After seeing this trailer, it would be tough to say otherwise.
This video blog provides a behind the scenes look at the Naomi Harris and Berenice Marlohe, the newest members of the long list of "Bond girls." While their characters are very different, with Harris playing a fellow Secret Agent and Marlohe playing a seductive temptress, both are beautiful with that essential edge needed to embody a Bond girl.
Heinken's new Bond ad campaign provides some humor in the otherwise serious world of 007. A case of mistaken identity leads to a civilian being chased by baddies looking to eliminate Bond. As the civilian boards a train and attempts to escape many things sidetrack him, each until he remembers that he is in fact being chased. The ad is a fun and playful take on a short Bond-esque scene.
What did you think of the videos? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!