The upcoming sci-fi comedy starring Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill, previously known as "Neighborhood Watch," is now called "The Watch," due the recent Treyvon Martin controversy.
The newly re-titled film also has a red band trailer for you to check out.
Plus, we find out how big C-3PO's battery had to be, and the "Raid" director gets his next (awesome) project in the Dailies!
» "Neighborhood Watch" is now just called "The Watch," and it has a red band trailer. [IGN]
» As it turns out, Clark Gregg has really good taste in sci-fi movies. [Boston Globe]
» Sometimes when big movies are good, it can mean bad things. Like "Green Lantern" bad. [The New York Times]
» Can you guess the words that appear most frequently in the screenplay for "Star Wars"? Prove it. []
» Now that I think about it, C-3PO's battery must have been freaking huge. [Wired]
» Just as the "Evil Dead" remake is starting filming, Sam Raimi is suing to stop an unauthorized sequel. [Vulture]
» Gareth Evans, the director of "The Raid," is lining up his next project, a film about MMA fighters pulling a bank heist. Perfect. [Deadline]
» Sofia Vergara has also joined Robert Rodriguez's "Machete Kills." [The Playlist]
» This guy attempts to use every sci-fi cliche in a single audition tape. [Vulture]
Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.