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When it comes to keeping her rockin' bod in shape, it all comes down to "Motivation" for Kelly Rowland. Last year, she came out with her "Sexy Abs" fitness DVD with celebrity trainer Jeannette Jenkins which gave good reason to go beyond crunches at the gym. Way to feel that burn, girl! On Sunday, Kelly retweeted a health tip from Miss JJ about the importance of eating organic food "un-touched and un-processed by man" most of the time, and letting yourself indulge the rest of the time. This is my kinda rule!
"@JeanetteJenkins: 80/20 Rule:Eat 80% organic whole foods that come from earth un-touched & un-processed by man. 20% eat whatever you want!"
A number of health practitioners recommend the 80/20 rule to their clients. According to this guideline, if you spend 80% of your time leading a healthy lifestyle, your body can withstand a tiny splurge every now and then (20%), so that you don't end going overboard one day and gorge everything in sight. Or as Kelly says about the rule, "I can have my little glass of wine or a cocktail or a nice little sugar something."