In 1985, an adaptation of "The Hobbit" premiered in Soviet Russia. It featured a sparkly Gandalf and a take on Gollum that was essentially a man wearing a bathing cap and a fishing net, and all 70 acid trip-worthy minutes are now available on YouTube.
Also, examine the poor journalism of Marty McFly's hometown in today's Dailies!
» A surprising effective mash-up of the British "Office" and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" [Slate]
» A look at Hill Valley's terrible newspaper in "Back to the Future" [New York Magazine]
» New "Side Effects" trailer [Collider]
» Aaron Paul said that "Breaking Bad" will be back on July 14. [ComingSoon]
» A new Golden Globes promo with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler [YouTube]
» This Soviet Russian version of "The Hobbit" may make you rethink your opinion of "An Unexpected Journey." [Twitch]
Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.