Photos: (Getty)
The deluxe version of Katy Perry's new Prism album comes with a small packet of flower seeds, and Australian officials are not having it!
+ Aussie Officials Do Not Want Foreign Plants
With the special edition of Perry's new album comes a Prism logo printed on seed paper. When fans plant the paper, it'll grow a bouquet of flowers. Super cute, but not to Aussie officials. "Seeds or plant material of international origin may be a weed not present in Australia or the host of a plant pathogen of biosecurity concern," said a spokesperson for the Australian Department of Agriculture. While the "down under" release contains locally sourced seeds, some folks are concerned that international versions could harm natural ecosystems.
+ Katy Goes Green
Katy's floral release is obvi just an attempt to do something different and encourage fans to go green. Or as she said, ""you can plant to spread the light!" As global warming increases, it's becoming increasingly important to be mindful of how our actions affect the environment. "Energy is the main source of pollution. I don't think enough people make that connection," the former CEO of the NY State Energy Research and Development Authority told Humans of New York. "They think of pollution as giant industries spewing smoke into the air, but in reality it mainly comes from the energy that we use everyday -- driving our cars, lighting our houses, even that camera you're using." Um, time to take a break from selfies!
Katy's semi-green album comes as no surprise seeing as she keeps her tours as eco-friendly as possible, and makes her entire entourage drink from reusable water bottles. Still, we can see why Aussie officials are concerned about peeps plantin' foreign plants on local soil. Click the action links below to pick a side in this seedy drama.