Photo: (Getty)
Mariah Carey may be living the fab life and respected by many these days, but as she opened up to a crowd during a press conference for "The Butler," it wasn't always that way.
The singer opened up about relating to one of the characters, as she too was spat on, in a racist incident. It all went down as a teen, all while she was riding a bus in Long Island. Mariah explains, "That actually happened to me. I know people would be in shock and not really want to believe or accept that, but it did …" Growing up as a biracial girl, she saw firsthand how judgmental others can be.
Mimi continued talking to the audience about the scene, in which a white woman spits on a black college student for asking to be served at a whites-only counter. "That right there, that was almost the deepest thing to me in the movie because I know what she went through -- and it happened to be a bus as well. It was a school bus … In the face and in the same way," she said.
"The Butler" (WHICH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE) is based on the real-life story of White House butler Eugene Allen, who served many presidents for 34 years. The film gives viewers a glimpse into America's racial past, and is filled with SO many talented actors. From Oprah to Forest Whitaker, there's totally some Oscar buzz brewin'! Mariah plays the mother of butler Cecil Gaines (Forest Whitaker) and we are just SO excited to see Mariah back on the big screen! "The Butler" hits theaters August 16.