Before you get too excited about the potential team-up of Robert Pattinson, Naomi Watts, and Werner Herzog on "Queen of the Desert," MTV News has an update on the project straight from Park City, Utah.
At Sundance promoting her new film, "Two Mothers," Watts stopped by to speak with Josh Horowitz about the upcoming project, which was supposed to begin filming last fall. According to the actress, "Queen of the Desert" is on hold for now and Pattinson's involvement may be up in the air.
"We'll wait and see. [Herzog is] obviously a filmmaker I'm completely in awe of. He's a wonderful filmmaker and documentarian," she said. "It's a fantastic character, a great story. I'm not sure when it's going to take place yet."
The film, which tells the story of English writer Gertrude Bell and legendary British army office T.E. Lawrence, may still move ahead as planned, but some issues still need to be addressed before production can begin. "It's been so much travel as well, and I've got little kids," Watts said. "So we'll see if it happens later this year or maybe next year."
And though Watts said she wasn't sure if a deal was in place for Pattinson, when we spoke with the actor last year, he seemed very intrigued by the prospect of working with both Watts and Herzog. You can watch that segment of the MTV First below.