After a four-year run of producing a film a year, the Coen Brothers have taken their precious time with "Inside Llewyn Davis," the story of a folk musician wandering around the Greenwich Village in the 1960s. After the duo's follow-up to "True Grit" failed to show up on the 2012 festival circuit, we were left guessing about when we might see it. Now a little site,, has popped up with our very first look at "Inside Llewyn Davis." In short, the movie looks gorgeous, the dialogue is hilarious, and it's shaping up to be another classic Coen Brothers picture.
Watch the first trailer for "Inside Llewyn Davis" after the jump!
"Inside Llewyn Davis" stars "Drive" co-stars Oscar Isaac and Carey Mulligan as two people who doesn't exactly see eye-to-eye. Mulligan is the clear stand-out of the trailer, delivering lines like, "I should have had you wear double condoms," and "You should wear condom on condom and then wrap it in electrical tape." See what we're talking about?
Anyway, "Inside Llewyn Davis" is still seeking domestic distribution, but considering the kind of buzz the trailer is already getting on the web, expect to hear a solid release date soon.