We here are MTV Movies Blog are big fans of trending Twitter topics, especially when they involve our favorite thing—movies! That's why we were super excited about today's #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam.
White Men Can't Jam #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam
— Justin Timberlake(@jtimberlake) April 13, 2012
The hash tag became a worldwide trend after the twitter account Think Jam tweeted: "Let's have some Friday fun. #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam Go!" From Spider Jam, to The Woman In Jam to 10 Things I Hate About Jam, we definitely had fun putting together this rounded up of the best tweets from the worldwide trend. Take a look after the jump for more from Justin Timberlake. And who knows, maybe you'll even see your own tweet! Tweet us and let us know which ones are your favorite.
@jtimberlake I Know What You Jammed Last Summer #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam
@jtimberlake 3 Men And A Little Jam #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam
@jtimberlake O Brother, Where Art Thou........ Jam? #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam
@kirstiealley Jam. AKA Titanic
-Kirstie Alley ("Cheers")
@PeKaBrewery Space Ja—oh, wait. #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam
@LordVoldemort7 #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam Harry Potter and the Chamber of Jam
@PeKaBrewery Pirates of the Caribbean: The Cure of the Black Jam #replacemovienameswithjam
@NaomiMichaela1 #replacemovienameswithjam he's just not that into jam
@f4tjesus #replacemovienameswithjam Crazy, stupid, jam
@jkirsch6 the grapes of jam #replacemovienameswithjam
@VinDuwadi #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam Harry Potter and the Deathly Jam
@chillinwthebong No Jam for Old Men #replacemovienameswithjam
@itsKayley #ReplaceMovieNamesWithJam The Hunger Jam. May the odds be ever in your flavour!
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